Crypto Airdrops: Everything You Need to Know
Crypto adoption has increased rapidly within the last 10 years. Today, an estimated 45 million Americans own at least one token and 420 million cryptocurrency users worldwide. But while most people prefer to talk about Bitcoin and Ethereum, thousands of different tokens exist.
Airdrops serve as an effective strategy to generate excitement for projects while also providing rewards to current token holders. Within this guide, we delve into the realm of crypto drops, exploring their origins and the diverse array of free crypto airdrops you can actively engage in, such as the projects with FreeNFT.com, sign up now to receive emails about all upcoming projects.
What are Crypto Airdrops?
Crypto airdrops originated in the early 2010s. Initially, it was little more than a trolling strategy where anonymous Internet users would send unsolicited photos to random people.
But the web3 industry understood the potential of this strategy, and it became a facet of cryptocurrency projects. Creators discovered they could use free airdrops to drum up excitement for upcoming projects and raise awareness of their platforms.
As a guerilla marketing strategy, blockchain project creators directly deposit crypto tokens into a user’s wallet. It’s a tactic that can get startup companies and platforms off to a rapid start. For users, this is the equivalent of receiving a surprise birthday present.
Unlike the instant airdrops used by trolls, most companies understand that random users do not appreciate unsolicited tokens. Instead, most airdrops involve registering with the giveaway. The registration process may be as simple as signing up or carrying out an action like following a Twitter account.
This concept can yield remarkable results. For example, LooksRare managed to cash out $30 million with its first airdrop and provided a vital funding conduit for this startup.
In some cases, free airdrops may reward existing users who have supported a project. For example, in the Ethereum Name Service airdrop of 2021, ENS domain holders received tokens based on how long their domains had existed.
Types of Cryptocurrency Airdrops
Three distinct types of airdrop exist. While there are some niche airdrops, such as “Exclusive Airdrops,” these are technically a sub-variant of one of the three primary airdrop crypto types.
Here is what you need to know about the three primary airdrop types.
Standard Airdrop
Within a standard airdrop, tokens are delivered for free to registered users. All you have to do is create an account and provide your public wallet address.
Typically, these drops operate on a first-come, first-served basis, so if there are a limited number of tokens, you must register early to stand a chance of getting a token.
Since anyone can join, this is essentially an option to add free crypto to your wallet.
Bounty Airdrop
Bounty drops require you to complete a task to become eligible for a token. Depending on the project, some may be as simple as following a social media account or as time-consuming as becoming an active member of a forum or Discord channel.
These are becoming more popular, and the amount of work involved will typically correlate to the perceived value of the crypto token on offer.
Holder Airdrop
Holder drops allow you to receive cryptocurrency tokens if you already hold a certain number of tokens in a related cryptocurrency.
These drops are used to reward existing users for their loyalty. For example, a brand or community may offer these tokens to those holding a first-anniversary membership token.
Typically, these drops will reward more tokens if you already hold a substantial number in another cryptocurrency.
How Do Crypto Airdrops Work?
Crypto drops are distribution methods specific to the cryptocurrency movement. Most of these drops will begin with a promotional event and a particular date when all eligible users will receive their tokens.
The first step will be registering and connecting your wallet to the platform. You may also need to carry out other tasks to qualify.
Once eligible, you will receive your tokens in your wallet. It really is that simple!
Let’s examine some popular airdrop examples to illustrate how it works.
The first-ever significant airdrop was Auroracoin, developed in response to the 2008 Financial Crisis in Iceland. It was hoped that the coin would replace Iceland’s native fiat currency.
In 2014, every Icelandic citizen received 31.8 AUR based on their ID card number. While 10.5 million coins were airdropped, just 281,000 were claimed at time of press. Unfortunately, within 24 hours, the value of Auroracoin fell by 50% against Bitcoin, and within several months, the coin became worthless and sank without a trace.
While the project fell short of its intended goals it is perceived as widely responsible for revolutionizing the airdrop concept within the crypto space due to its popularity.
One of the most significant drops of all time was Ethereum’s most popular DEX, Uniswap. Any wallet that showed an interaction with the Uniswap protocol before September 2020 could receive 400 UNI tokens for free as part of an airdrop.
These UNI tokens were worth $1,400 then, making it one of the more costly airdrops for its time. To further this initiative, Uniswap set aside $350 million to fund this airdrop campaign.
Monetary costs aside, Uniswap changed the game because it was one of the first projects to distribute rewards retroactively. Other high profile projects have since replicated this effort with crypto and NFTs, including the Bored Ape Yacht Club.
Risks and Rewards of Crypto Airdrops
Obtaining a free airdrop token is an excellent way of boosting your existing portfolio of tokens with minimal effort and no costs. In many cases, joining a project at its earliest stages could make you eligible for other rewards in the future, including holder drops.
However, it is essential to consider that investing excessive time in relentlessly scouring for upcoming airdrops may not always be the most productive use of your time. It is crucial to acknowledge that the future value or practicality of a token, even after six months, cannot be guaranteed, as the ease of token creation allows anyone to create tokens without stringent criteria. Therefore, it is prudent to strike a balance and allocate your time wisely when engaging with airdrops.
Additionally, you must be aware of different airdrop scams, such as:
- Airdrop phishing
- Rug Pulls
- Identity fraud
However, these scams are relatively easy to avoid by researching the party behind the airdrop, never putting up capital to receive an airdrop, and doing your research before attaching your wallet to the project’s website.
Overall, crypto drops are relatively risk-free and provide a fantastic way to obtain unique tokens without spending a single dollar or dedicating more than a few minutes of your time.
How to Find Out About Upcoming Airdrops
Are you searching for NFT drops but feeling lost on where to start?
Relying on Google search and social media, such as Twitter, for the latest information on upcoming NFT drops can be a tedious and risky endeavor, potentially exposing you to scams. It’s time to explore a more efficient and secure approach.
Introducing FreeNFT.com, your trusted NFT calendar and go to source for discovering the freshest NFT drops from reputable creators. With our dedication to transparency and thorough curation, you can trust that we’ve taken care of the research for you. FreeNFT streamlines the process, allowing you to quickly find and join NFT projects that align with your interests. Plus, once you’ve created an account, you can easily sign up to receive timely notifications directly from our NFT calendar. Utilize FreeNFT as your go-to NFT calendar, effortlessly staying informed about upcoming NFT drops.
This is why platforms like FreeNFT.com are ideal for getting word on the latest NFT drops offered by trustworthy creators. Since we are run by a reliable team that prides itself on transparency, you know you are registering with a platform that does all the due diligence for you.
Using a central hub like FreeNFT, you can get notified of upcoming NFT drops that might interest you with minimal hassle. Once you have joined an existing project, you can also sign up to receive their partners' notifications of holder drops or crypto airdrops.
If you are ready to obtain your free NFTs, sign up or if you are a developer contact the FreeNFT team now or check out developers.freenft.com.
過去 10 年のうちに暗号資産は急速に普及しました。現在、4,500 万人に及ぶアメリカ人が少なくとも 1 つのトークンを所有していると予想されます。しかし、ビットコインやイーサリアムが話題の中心になる一方で、数千種類ものトークンが存在しています。
暗号資産のエアドロップが始まったのは 2010 年代の初頭です。当初は、求められてもいない写真を匿名のインターネットユーザーがランダムに送信するだけのトローリング(引き釣り)戦略に過ぎませんでした。
しかし、ウェブ 3 業界はこの戦略のポテンシャルに気づき、暗号資産プロジェクトの重要な一部になりました。クリエイターたちは、無料のエアドロップがプロジェクトを盛り上げてプラットフォームの認知度を向上できる点に気づいたのです。
トロール(流し釣り)で即座にエアドロップする手法とは異なり、多くの企業は、ランダムに選ばれたユーザーが求めてもいないトークンを受け取っても感謝しないことを知っています。そのため、大半のエアドロップはギブアウェイの登録を付与の条件にしています。Twitter(現名称 X)で登録やフォローするのと同じぐらい簡単に、登録できます。
このアイデアは目を見張る成果をもたらしています。たとえば、スタートアップ企業 LooksRare は初回エアドロップで3,000 万ドルを調達し、重要な資金調達手段となりました。
一部の無料エアドロップでは、プロジェクトを支援する既存ユーザーに報酬を付与する場合もあります。たとえば、2021 年のEthereum Name Service のエアドロップでは、ENS ドメインの保有者がドメインの存続期間に応じてトークンを受け取りました。
エアドロップには主に 3 種類あります。「エクスクルーシブエアドロップ」(独占型エアドロップ)など一部のニッチなエアドロップもありますが、このようなエアドロップも厳密には主要な 3 種類の枠内に収まります。
その 3 種類について具体的に解説します。
バウンティ(賞金)エアドロップでは、トークン受け取りの適格者になるために作業を完了する必要があります。たとえば、ソーシャルメディアアカウントをフォローするだけの簡単な作業から、プラットフォームや Discord チャネルのアクティブメンバーになるような時間のかかる作業まで多岐にわたります。
既存ユーザーのロイヤリティに報いる仕組みです。たとえば、ブランドやコミュニティがこれらのトークンを 1 周年記念メンバーシップトークンの保有者へ提供する場合もあります。
暗号資産業界で初の大規模なエアドロップと言えば、Auroracoin でしょう。2008 年の金融危機を契機にアイスランドで実施されました。当初は、アイスランドの法定通貨に取って代わることを目指していました。
2014 年、すべてのアイスランド市民を対象に、ID カード番号に基づいて 31.8 AUR が配布されました。1,050 万コインがエアドロップされたものの、報道によると、受け取られたのはわずか 281,000 コインでした。残念ながら、それから 24 時間以内にAuroracoin の価値はビットコイン比で 50%下落し、それから数カ月以内に無価値へと転落し、消息を絶ちました。
暗号資産の歴史の中で最も大規模なエアドロップは、イーサリアムの大人気 DEX(分散型取引所)の Uniswap でしょう。エアドロップの一環として、2020 年 9 月までに Uniswap のプロトコルとやり取りのあった全ウォレットが無料で 400 UNI トークンを受け取れることになりました。
これらの UNI トークンは当時 1,400 ドルの価値があり、当時としては非常に大規模でした。このエアドロップキャンペーンを進めるために、Uniswap は 3 億 5 千万ドルに及ぶ資金を手元に置いていました。
資金面のほか、報酬を遡及的に配布する初の取り組みの一つとして、Uniswap はゲームチェンジャーになりました。その後、Bored Ape Yacht Club など、他の有名な暗号資産や NFT のプロジェクトもこの取り組みに続きました。
ただし、膨大な時間をかけて今後のエアドロップイベントを探し回るのは、必ずしも自分の時間を最も有意義に使うことにはならない点に留意してください。誰もが厳格な基準もなくトークンを作成できるため、トークンの将来的な価値や実用性は、たとえ 6 カ月先でも保証されていません。この点も十分に理解しておきましょう。したがって、エアドロップに関わる際には、バランスを取って自分の時間を割り当てることが賢明です。
- エアドロップフィッシング
- ラグプル
- ID 詐欺
総じて、暗号資産のエアドロップは、相対的にリスクも無く、1 円も支払うことなく、わずか数分でユニークなトークンを受け取れる素晴らしいチャンスです。
2023 年の直近のエアドロップを探しているのに、信頼できるイベントをどこで見つければ良いか分からない。そんな状況ではありませんか?
今後のエアドロップについて最新の情報を得るために、多くの人が Google 検索や、Twitter(現 X)などのソーシャルメディアを頼りにしていますが、最新のプロジェクト一覧を効率的に見つける方法は他にもあります。また、ネット検索などで探すと詐欺に遭う可能性も高くなりがちです。
FreeNFT で最新の暗号資産エアドロップ情報を入手する
FreeNFT は業界で定評のあるプラットフォームを提供しており、最も価値のあるエアドロップの情報が集まっています。登録もわずか数分で済みます。
無料の NFTを手にするには、登録をお願いいたします。また、開発者の方は、FreeNFT チームへお問い合わせいただくか、developers.freenft.comをご確認ください。